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  主题:Sweet sorrow  
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  时间:2014-02-11 21:05:01 浏览:866次  [回复] [引用回复]楼主
Doctors delivered the brain-dead Canadian woman's son on Saturday. She died the next day."On
 Sunday, we had to unfortunately say goodbye to the strongest and most wonderful woman I hav
e ever met," her husband, Dylan Benson, wrote on his website.Their newborn son, Iver, i
s in a neonatal intensive care unit in Victoria, British Columbia, a hospital spokeswoman sa
id. He could be hospitalized for eight more weeks, Dylan Benson told CNN on Tuesday."He's do
ing well, still learning to breathe and all those things. ... But he's the cutest little man
," he said.The Benson family's ordeal began shortly after Christmas.Robyn Benson complained 
of a "terrible, terrible headache" and sent her husband out to get some Tylenol. When he ret
urned, she was unresponsive, but still breathing.At the hospital, doctors discovered she suf
fered a brain hemorrhage. She was later declared brain-dead.The situation left Dylan Benson 
in an unimaginable position, counting down the days until the birth of his son -- and the de
ath of his wife.The case drew some comparisons to the case of Marlise Muñoz in Texas, a
nother pregnant woman who was declared brain-dead and hooked up to machines that kept her he
art and lungs working. But there were two key differences.

※ 来源:未名交友 http://www.JiaoYou8.com ※

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